When I was a member of a Catholic Monastery, we ran a retreat center for all of the various "Anonymous" groups. Our facilities could hold up to 65 visitors. Each week, we would have a whole new set of people come to get away from their regular routines to find the support they needed to help them "restore themselves to sanity" (Step 2) and to "turn their will and lives over to the CARE of God" (Step 3). All day/night long, they would have a marathon of meetings where a tremendous amount of Healing took place, through the fellowship of the Anonymous programs.
The "Guardian" of my monastery (the head monk) was an admitted Alcoholic and actively participated in the AA program. As Guardian, it was his role to instruct the younger "monks-in-training" to learn about and progress in the Spiritual Life. Although there are incredibly important "Doctors of the Church" who were experts in Spirituality (my favorites... St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross and St. Thérèse of Lisieux), it was our Guardian's belief, after having been a monk for over 50 years, that the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous was the most powerful, practical approach to growing in the Spiritual Life! Although it was not required of us to learn about and attend meetings, he highly encouraged us to do so. He would say, "If you don't want to do our monk schedule, you can go to the meetings for fun." Well... even though I have never done drugs or have been drunk in my life, I decided to check it out, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! The 12 Step can bring about PROFOUND HEALING and either introduce people to Spirituality or Reconnect people to it. These Steps can be followed by anyone, regardless if they are an addict or not. The first step saying "our lives had become unmanageable" can mean for the non-addict, that their lives had become a jumbled puzzle that was too hard to figure out how they got there and what to do next. To the addict, only they can fully understand how unmanageable it has become. Where the word "Alcohol" or "Alcoholic" is used in ANY/ALL of the Anonymous literature, just replace those words with what you're struggling with... Crystal Meth, Cocaine, Food, Gambling, Marijuana, Narcotics, Nicotine, Sex etc. The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
12 Step Anonymous Programs
Please email me at [email protected] if you want me to help you work the Steps and provide you with Life Coaching and/or Spiritual Direction... My own approaches to help you reconnect to your Spirituality and HEAL the past wounds and traumas that you're still carrying with you. In your email, please share your circumstances and what type of help you need. Until then... PEACE and LOVE Always - Paul
If you look at the date of my last posting, a LONG TIME has passed since I was told to write here on my website. You see, we are in a new era... a time where Silence is the key to the answers that so many of you seek. For a long time, it was important for us to learn from our "Wise Ones", but many became dependent on their wisdom and teachings and forgot how to connect to their own inner wisdom or TRUTH. No one person is more important or more wise than anyone else. We ALL have the same connection to TRUTH that everyone else has. The difference is our willingness to interpret or connect to that inner wisdom.
So... today... the "Silence is Broken" in-so-far-as I have been told to write to you today, but as you will see in the message, that the "Silence" is EVERYTHING. The Silence is the TOTALITY. The Silence COMPLETES THE PUZZLE. The "Wise Ones" already know this... in fact, EVERYONE knows this! So... no more playing around everyone... Listen, Listen to the Silence!!! The following message was given to me November 17, 2008... "Perspectives Layers, upon layers, upon layers, upon layers like an onion - Silence, Observing Silence, Observing Silence, Observing Silence, Transcends to the Core of Truth which is Silence. While Silence appears empty, it is in fact Fullness. Silence allows the experience of totality to exist without interference. Silence integrates into the totality, thereby becoming ONE - the "space between the space." The glue which binds everything together. There is nothing - "no-thing" but ONE. Imagine a complex 3 dimensional puzzle, or even a complex molecule... like a key which fits in a lock, the Silence or "Chi" - the energy that binds - is like a lock that fits ever so perfectly. Let's use the example of the Stereogram again. Within the scrambled picture it looks like there isn't much room to transcend with all of that static that is presented in the image. But, with the slightest of effort, actually by letting go of "control" - seeing with new eyes, in a new manner - you begin to see new dimensions. A new reality protrudes - a reality within a reality - dimensions within dimensions exist - and the experience is far more satisfying than just looking at static on a page. Our investment in experiencing life is what we make of it. Are we experiencing just the surface of the 3D or are we transcending the dimensions and fully embracing the experiences around us? This process is actually a physical process. Many people approach it from a mental or spiritual perspective, but those are only two of the dimensions. There certainly is a physical dimension to it as well. We are talking about protons, electrons, neutrons - energy, force fields, magnetism, polarity - all the laws of physics are intertwined in this process. It sounds complex - it is, only when one attempts to understand it with the human brain. Deep within the human experience is the in-bred code - the actual experience and reality which "KNOWS" ALL that is. When one dissects and compartmentalizes these experiences, it becomes complex. There are many parts, but only ONE reality. We are ALL Connected. There is only ONE. Your experience of these words is a separation of the ONE and Only. But, it is possible to continue to live and practice and as a human AND as ONE - these you call "Enlightened Beings - Saints". [Paul's explanation - As an example... if I mention the word "Aquarium" to you, the first image in your mind is the tank WITH THE FISH AND WATER, NOT just the tank... right??? We tend to think of the material world and separate out all of the empty space in between. This is incorrect thinking. Everything, including the EMPTY SPACE, is "ONE"... ONE complete Package. All of the laws of the physical realm co-exist and actually interact in direct relation to this nothingness. The emptiness is not empty unless we think of it as a human. It is just as solid as a molecule is - electrons separated in space (emptiness) in between protons and neutrons etc. ONE is as solid, as complete as "Aquarium".] It is all a foundation of Connectedness. Harm to one brings Harm to ONE. Love to one brings Love to ONE. The process of experiencing is not less than being enlightened. The process is actually important to experience because it brings material substance into the equation. The material brings a certain sensory satisfaction to the process that will aide you later, but ultimately it is the awareness of ONE that is the goal. "Goal" implies time, which is not real. "Process" implies time which is not real either. ONE does not exist in time but it encompasses time. Everything can be measured, but the measurement takes away from the enlightenment. In the Unitive process there are waves of awareness of (global) consciousness - in and out of Dimensions which serves to teach and enrich your experiences. You know everything I am telling you - there is nothing you don't know. People doubt everything. They doubt their intuition. An ignorance and cloak of fear blinds people from the Truth which is part of every fiber of their being. Allow the experiences to happen - don't fight the challenges that are being presented to you. They are all part of the experiences - the process to widen your knowledge and deepen your experience. What you experience as pain, you will soon experience as Joy because you will begin to remember how it is all connected to ONE. Your data banks of experiences are loading - the more you experience the more you get closer to fullness which is equal to SILENCE - to ONE. A client emailed me today (3/21/07) saying that she was feeling, "full of this horrific toxic energy that scares me and I feel very alone, as though I have done something horrible aganst God or my fellow man. Can the angels tell you anything about why I am feeling this way? I feel very sad and very, very alone."
I am sharing the reply I gave her from the Angels because I think it pertains to all of us. It is a message we all need to read... "Here's What the Angels Say To You Today... "There is nothing to worry about... You are a GIFT FROM GOD TO THE WORLD! You have been chosen for a special task of LOVE and INSPIRATION that no one else can do. Listen to your heart... Feel your feelings, and DO NOT BE AFRAID. We are teaching you Patience... We are teaching you Love. Isolation is part of growth. In the Silence you will hear the voice of God and know that you are not alone. Only you have the ability to unlock the special gift of LIFE that God has for you! In nature there is calmness, gentleness and peace. Look at its beauty and now see that YOU are just as beautiful as your surroundings. WE ASSURE YOU, you have done nothing wrong. The events of your life are clues and lessons for what you are to teach the world. Please, NEVER second guess why things happen... EVERYTHING happens for a reason and are truly KEYS to TRUTH. You have a mission to LIVE and you must use these keys to unlock the mystery of LIFE that is so AMAZING. You are putting together a great puzzle that is in sync with everyone else's puzzle. Each piece you connect not only makes the puzzle that much easier and clearer for you, but also for everyone else. This is part of ALIGNMENT. You see, as you align yourself with the process of LIVING, you are helping others align as well. You teach others how to live through your own actions. Your actions are a reflection of what you have learned. The equation is VERY, VERY SIMPLE! In your human form, you tend to complicate things because that is what you were taught. Remember what the Bible says... "Be like the children." Also Jesus said, "Let the children come to me." Adults complicate things... Children accept life without conflict. They absorb and live without complicating or analysing anything... they simply LIVE. Be assured Sweet Child, You are Great, You Are Royal and We Love You. There is nothing to worry about, you are in Our embrace. We know you are experiencing doubt and isolation, but We assure you, it is all an illlusion and part of the process of unlocking the code. Teach. Live. LOVE!" |
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August 2020