A friend emailed me tonight the following...
"I wanted to hear from you, your thoughts about the recent energy shifts to bring us to a higher level of consciousness. The one on Feb 11th I heard was going to be massive, but I did not expect the divine energy to just start flowing into me. Both Thursday and Friday early evening I had to stop what I was doing and went into meditation before falling asleep early. Since then all day long I can feel the energy in my head and on my spine, sometimes like something is playing with my brain. " This was my response that I feel the Angels have asked me to share with you... "Everyone experiences these shifts in different ways based on their awareness and openness to them. Each also has their own job to accomplish as part of the energy network grid. Some are meant to be anchor points, others are travelers along the grid helping to ensure clean lines along the way. Some people are amplifiers of the energy and others act like harmonics in music (a different frequency). Our job is to be as clear as possible for our task. Some people will require SLEEP... others will require strict FOOD requirements... ALL of us will need WATER!!!! Some will require brain space (not to think things through, but to process the energy), others will need heart space. There is no need to ask, "What is MY role... what am I supposed to do"... You will instinctively know. LISTEN to your Body... FEEL... CORRECT and ALIGN. That's it! ; )
A client emailed me today (3/21/07) saying that she was feeling, "full of this horrific toxic energy that scares me and I feel very alone, as though I have done something horrible aganst God or my fellow man. Can the angels tell you anything about why I am feeling this way? I feel very sad and very, very alone."
I am sharing the reply I gave her from the Angels because I think it pertains to all of us. It is a message we all need to read... "Here's What the Angels Say To You Today... "There is nothing to worry about... You are a GIFT FROM GOD TO THE WORLD! You have been chosen for a special task of LOVE and INSPIRATION that no one else can do. Listen to your heart... Feel your feelings, and DO NOT BE AFRAID. We are teaching you Patience... We are teaching you Love. Isolation is part of growth. In the Silence you will hear the voice of God and know that you are not alone. Only you have the ability to unlock the special gift of LIFE that God has for you! In nature there is calmness, gentleness and peace. Look at its beauty and now see that YOU are just as beautiful as your surroundings. WE ASSURE YOU, you have done nothing wrong. The events of your life are clues and lessons for what you are to teach the world. Please, NEVER second guess why things happen... EVERYTHING happens for a reason and are truly KEYS to TRUTH. You have a mission to LIVE and you must use these keys to unlock the mystery of LIFE that is so AMAZING. You are putting together a great puzzle that is in sync with everyone else's puzzle. Each piece you connect not only makes the puzzle that much easier and clearer for you, but also for everyone else. This is part of ALIGNMENT. You see, as you align yourself with the process of LIVING, you are helping others align as well. You teach others how to live through your own actions. Your actions are a reflection of what you have learned. The equation is VERY, VERY SIMPLE! In your human form, you tend to complicate things because that is what you were taught. Remember what the Bible says... "Be like the children." Also Jesus said, "Let the children come to me." Adults complicate things... Children accept life without conflict. They absorb and live without complicating or analysing anything... they simply LIVE. Be assured Sweet Child, You are Great, You Are Royal and We Love You. There is nothing to worry about, you are in Our embrace. We know you are experiencing doubt and isolation, but We assure you, it is all an illlusion and part of the process of unlocking the code. Teach. Live. LOVE!" I really, truly try to LIVE the same advice I give all the people who call me for Angel Card Readings and Angel Coaching. Something I always say is to "Act Upon Your Nudges."
What The Heck is a Nudge? Throughout the day, you'll receive little inspirations or "nudges" from God and your Angels to ACT... TO DO things. Many times we ignore them because they may seem like a waste of time or the nudge wasn't big enough to really catch our attention. I used to give Angel Card Readings through a website that would charge customers by the minute. I haven't logged in for over a year because I would rarely get calls, and it was more a of a pain to log in than just relax and have fun at home. Today, I received a NUDGE... (That's a BIG NUDGE) to log into the psychic website and see if customers would call. Within the first hour, THREE PEOPLE CALLED ME!!! TRUST ME... that is AMAZING! There are HUNDREDS of other psychics on this website and all of a sudden, I am chosen 3 times to give readings???!!! WOW. God & The Angels Are In Charge! Your life can be SO MUCH EASIER if you just let go of your ego and let God and the Angels guide you where you need to go! Don't be afraid to let them know what you want to achieve in your life (you still have a say), but once you do, LET THEM FIGURE IT OUT! They will guide you... they will show you the shortest path to your goals! Act Upon Your Nudges! I am asked all the time how we should pray or how do we hear the "Voice of God." There is a song that I learned in 1st grade (1971!) that I believe tells it all.
When I was in training at the monastery, my Novice Master kept urging us (more like pushed us) to what the song teaches us... the "Silence." I have no idea who wrote the song... it was written sometime in the 60's, so if you happen to know who wrote it, I would love to know. "Listen... Listen to the Silence... Listen... Listen for the Words of the Lord... Listen... Listen for He Speaks in Quiet Times." +++ It seems we are always bombarded with noise in our culture... even noises (vibrations) we can't hear. There are TV signals, radio waves, cell phone signals, microwaves and MANY more bombarding us all the time and I believe these mute or lesson our ability to hear the Silence of our Heart where the "TRUTH/GOD" lies. When I travel in an airplane, I receive messages from my Angels far more clearly than on the ground. Up in the sky, we are above all of that "noise pollution." 1.5 years ago, I stopped watching TV and the only radio I listen to now is a morning show on my way to work. My life is SIGNIFICANTLY more peaceful and serene without all that noise. I encourage you to take steps to reduce the noise in your life and to practice "Listening to the Silence!" Let me know what changes you see in your life after practicing this for awhile. Are you going to hear a LOUD VOICE FROM HEAVEN or just a regular voice if and when your Angels talk to you???
Well... my experience is that when I am giving an "Angel Reading" to a client, I 'hear" the Angels on the right side of my brain, but not in an audible voice resonating in my ear, but more of a "voice" within, or just outside my head. It speaks higher in elevation to me that what I am used to hearing with my ears. Meaning, the sounds are above my ear, sort of outside the rounded part of my skull, not at "ear level." I have compared notes with other people who can hear their Angels, and they say that is how they also hear them. We seem to point in the air above the right side of our head as to where these Angels are speaking from. But remember what I have told you in my podcasts... I also "hear" them through my 3 "intuitions" or "instincts". The "gut instinct" speaks to me at certain times, and at other times, by "heart instinct/intuition" speaks to me. Still at other times, my logical instinct speaks up. If you compare the sound of these "voices" they are completely different sounding. My head sounds completely different than my gut. I used to think these voices were me... I now believe these are different Angels guiding me in my life. So a way to learn to hear your Angels is to pay attention to your gut, heart and head instincts/intuition. Listen for differences in their voices and in their personalities. You can ask your Angels any questions you want, and they will immediately answer you. As you ask the question, they begin to give you the answer. You don't have to wait for some dramatic entrance or bold voice to announce their entrance. The Angels are very GENTLE, LOVING beings... they are very CALM and almost simplistic. Their language is very simple... not complex. They also try to use words that we understand, but they sometimes have double meanings. One time they told me that this friend of mine was my "Soul Mate", but they used the term differently than how we would use the term. The "Mate" was like a "Buddy"... this "Soul Mate" of mine was like my "Gilligan" from "Gilligan's Island." The "Skipper" and "Gilligan" are "Soul Mates" in that they are inseparable friends, even though they might get on each other's nerves once in awhile (or perhaps all the time). Despite the aggravation that Gilligan brings to the Skipper, Gilligan is also a great source of Joy for him. This is EXACTLY how my relationship is with my friend that the Angels were referring to. Perhaps this Angel was from Australia! Your HOMEWORK... Ask your Angels questions, and LISTEN to what they have to say!!! In this Podcast I discuss the "Prosperity" Angel Oracle Card. There are two steps to being prosperous... Follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality. Listen to my message about Prosperity.
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August 2020