When I was a member of a Catholic Monastery, we ran a retreat center for all of the various "Anonymous" groups. Our facilities could hold up to 65 visitors. Each week, we would have a whole new set of people come to get away from their regular routines to find the support they needed to help them "restore themselves to sanity" (Step 2) and to "turn their will and lives over to the CARE of God" (Step 3). All day/night long, they would have a marathon of meetings where a tremendous amount of Healing took place, through the fellowship of the Anonymous programs.
The "Guardian" of my monastery (the head monk) was an admitted Alcoholic and actively participated in the AA program. As Guardian, it was his role to instruct the younger "monks-in-training" to learn about and progress in the Spiritual Life. Although there are incredibly important "Doctors of the Church" who were experts in Spirituality (my favorites... St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross and St. Thérèse of Lisieux), it was our Guardian's belief, after having been a monk for over 50 years, that the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous was the most powerful, practical approach to growing in the Spiritual Life! Although it was not required of us to learn about and attend meetings, he highly encouraged us to do so. He would say, "If you don't want to do our monk schedule, you can go to the meetings for fun." Well... even though I have never done drugs or have been drunk in my life, I decided to check it out, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! The 12 Step can bring about PROFOUND HEALING and either introduce people to Spirituality or Reconnect people to it. These Steps can be followed by anyone, regardless if they are an addict or not. The first step saying "our lives had become unmanageable" can mean for the non-addict, that their lives had become a jumbled puzzle that was too hard to figure out how they got there and what to do next. To the addict, only they can fully understand how unmanageable it has become. Where the word "Alcohol" or "Alcoholic" is used in ANY/ALL of the Anonymous literature, just replace those words with what you're struggling with... Crystal Meth, Cocaine, Food, Gambling, Marijuana, Narcotics, Nicotine, Sex etc. The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
12 Step Anonymous Programs
Please email me at [email protected] if you want me to help you work the Steps and provide you with Life Coaching and/or Spiritual Direction... My own approaches to help you reconnect to your Spirituality and HEAL the past wounds and traumas that you're still carrying with you. In your email, please share your circumstances and what type of help you need. Until then... PEACE and LOVE Always - Paul
For those of you who have called me recently, you know that I am SWAMPED because a friend of mine is dealing with drug addiction and emotional issues. I have been helping him get to doctor's appointments, "Anonymous" meetings, and most recently, to the psychiatric emergency hospital and a "crisis home." (That just is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have been doing for him).
In my "free time"... ha ha ha... I am trying to call my Angel clients for Angel Card Readings etc. MANY of you are in the healing profession or are being called to be in the healing profession, yet you (we) are trying to deal with our present stressful situations not exactly in the right way. We tend to give, give, give and find little time for ourselves. The Angels want me to remind you (us) that "If you don't take care of yourself, how can you possibly take care of the people that you love and depend upon you for your healing energy?" This gentle reminder encourages us to slow down, breathe and tackle one problem at a time!!! YES, we are supposed to help these people who God brings into our lives, but we must take time to care for our own needs, OR, more importantly, let other people take care of us when we need it! Back to my drug addict friend... he is a young (20 year old) Healer... so filled with love for everyone else... yet he has completely neglected himself to the point that he can't help ANYONE any more, ESPECIALLY himself. He is now dependent upon me and his parents to help him make even the most basic decisions, and he is FIGHTING against the fact that he NEEDS our help. He doesn't want to "owe" anyone and hates to ask for anything even though he knows we are his only solution. IT IS OK TO ASK FOR, AND TO RECEIVE HELP FROM OTHERS!!! God put us here together to help each other out. When you LOVE someone, there is NO OWING... no cost... ONLY LOVE. We help because we LOVE. No conditions are placed on it. PERIOD. So... Take care of yourself, ask for help if you need it, so that you can be healthy for not only yourself but for everyone who depends on you!!! |
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August 2020